Original Android 2.3 launcher APK from latest android gingerbread branch. Get latest launcher without waiting or rooting your device. You can find my paid version by scrolling down to bottom and click View more applications as to buy the paid version, thanks!
Android 2.3 Launcher Features:
Pure Google Experience, Refined look and feel from Ginger bread. Choose between 2D / 3D apps drawer. (see #1)High-quality wallpaper from Nexus S Add eclair (2.1) backward compatibility (Testing)3D app drawer only work on the following condition currently3D capable device (Render Script capable and multi-context support)480*800(most mid to high-end android device) or 480*854(Milestone/Droid or other mid-to-high end devices)Android 2.2 Aka. Froyo
How to open launcher settings:
Long press your home screen and click Launcher settings in the Add to home screen dialog to open launcher settings.
This is a free version, if you do like this app, please buy Android 2.3 Launcher (Home) + to support my work, thanks!